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The Delivery App's API meets integrations for POS, Hub and Logistics, all documentation and API can be developed for the active features across the Neemo platform.

For the approval of the integration, the credentials for the test environment were sent along with the Email, remembering that this environment is shared by several partners who are also developing the integration, however, attention is needed in cases of major menu changes.

Click here to access swagger for order status change API.

There are currently three levels of integration:

  1. Order integration.
  2. Menu integration.
  3. Webhook request.

1. Order Integration

Some APIs are available that allow the integration of orders made through the Delivery App platform. All APIs return data in JSON format.

O fluxo básico para integração de pedidos consiste em:

1.1.1 Order list.

1.1.2 Order details.

1.1.3 Payment methods.

1.1.4 Change order status.

           1.1 Order API

                   1.1.1 Order listing POST::/v1/order

The POS should create a query routine in the order listing API, making queries around 60 seconds (recommended not to use a shorter time). A list of orders will be returned, which must be traversed, using the ID in the next step:

It is important to use the status parameter to filter orders:

                      0 = New order

                      1 = Confirmed

                      2 = Delivered

                      4 = Sent/Ready

                      3, 5, 6, 7 = Canceled orders

The parameter created_at return created orders from the informed date, being useful not to bring the same requests every time you consult an API.

  • id (integer): order id
  • name (string): customer name
  • email (string): customer e-mail
  • phone (string): customer phone
  • date (string): order date
  • updated_at (string): order modification date
  • status (integer): 0 = new order, 1 = confirmed, 2 = delivered, 3 = canceled (restaurant), 4 = sent, 5 = automatically canceled (system), 6 = canceled, payment reversed (restaurant), 7 = automatically canceled, payment reversed (system), 8 = waiting for online payment approval, 9 = online payment disapproved
  • tax (decimal): order delivery fee
  • voucher_code (string): voucher code used
  • voucher_discount (decimal): discount applied to the order through the use of the voucher (discount voucher)
  • payment_method (string): form of payment
  • notes (string): order notes
  • street (string): address street
  • cep (string): address zip code
  • number (string): address number
  • city (string): address city
  • neighborhood (string): address neighborhood
  • complement (string): address complement
  • reference_point (string): delivery address reference point
  • forma_entrega (integer): order delivery method (1 = delivery, 2 = teke out, 3 = order at the table)
  • table_name (string): when forma_entrega is 3, the table name will be returned
  • order_number (integer): order number
  • troco (decimal): change for (value that the customer will give in cash)
  • client_id (integer): customer id
  • payment_online (boolean): if true the payment was made online through the app or web
  • latitude (decimal): delivery address latitude
  • longitude (decimal): delivery address longitude
  • cpf_in_note (string): if it has any value, it indicates that the user requested CPF in the invoice
  • printed (boolean): if the order of the order was printed
  • total_discount (decimal): total discount the order received
  • taxa_extra (decimal): extra fee amount
  • taxa_extra_title (string): title of what was charged as an extra fee
  • sub_total (decimal): order subtotal (total of products purchased)
  • total (decimal): order total, amount the customer paid (already including delivery fee, fees and discounts)

                   1.1.2 Detail order listing POST::/v1/order/{order_id}

It is in this API that the POS will integrate the products sold. Querying the Order Details API returns all the details of the sale as well as the products sold.

The return is the same as the order listing and is added to the following listing:

  • fidelity_program_discount (decimal): discount received through the loyalty program
  • FidelityProgram (array): loyalty program information
  • Payment (array): online payment information
  • Vouchers (array): voucher information (discount coupons)
    ItemOrder (array): information about order items
  • PizzaOrders (array): order pizza information
  • ComboOrders (array): order combo information
  • OrderAdditionals (array): additional order information
  • PromotionGroupOrders (array): information about promotional combos

Below is the details of the arrays mentioned above:


  • award (string): text with loyalty program award. Ex. “R$ 10,00”, “Free Delivery”, “1 soda”
  • award_item (string): only when the award is a gift, for example, a menu item “1 coca-cola 2 lts”, this value will also come in the award



  • voucher_discount (decimal): discount amount received by the voucher
  • voucher_code (string): used discount code


  • title (string): item title
  • quantity (integer): item quantity
  • name (string): item variation name
  • price (decimal): item price
  • total (decimal): total paid for the item (includes complements and quantity)
  • notes (string): notes for this item
  • ref (string): item REF
  • variacao_ref (string): variation REF
  • ComplementCategories (array): each complements category can contain multiple complements. “Additional” complements category example.
    • quantity (integer): complement amount
    • title (string): complement title
    • price_un (decimal): complement unit price
    • total (decimal): total paid for the complement
    • ref (string): complement REF
    • title (string): complements category title
    • Complements (array): contains category complements 


  • quantity (integer): pizza quantity
  • total_un (decimal): unit total paid for pizza
  • notes (string): pizza notes
  • pizza_maior_valor (boolean): true - the highest value of the flavors was charged. false - flavors were averaged
  • PizzaTamanho (array): pizza size information
    • title (string): size title
    • qtd_sabor (integer): quantidade de sabor da pizza
    • ref (string): size REF
    • ComplementCategories (array): follows the same model as the items
  • PizzaMassa (array): pizza dough/edge information
    • title (string): mass/edge title
    • price (decimal): mass/edge value
    • ref (string): mass/edge REF
  • PizzaSabor (array): information about pizza flavors
    • title (string): flavor title
    • price (decimal): flavor value
    • ref (string): flavor REF
    • ref_sabor_tamanho (string): flavor REF linked to size
    • ComplementCategories (array): follows the same model as the items


  • quantity (integer): combo amount
  • total_un (decimal): unit total of the combo
  • combo_title (string): combo title
  • ref (string): combo REF
  • ComboItens (array): items ordered in the combo
    • price (decimal): item price
    • item_name (string): item name
    • price_name (string): item variation name
    • ref (string): item REF
    • variacao_ref (string): variation REF


  • title (string): additional category title
  • text_input (boolean): true - additional was informed via text input. false - additional was chosen via quantity selection.
  • Additionals (array): additional that the user has chosen
    • ref (string): additional REF
    • quantity (integer): chosen quantity
    • price_un (decimal): additional unit value
    • text_input (string): user-entered text input, if the text_input parameter in OrderAdditionals is true.


  • id (integer): promotion group id.
  • name (string): promotion group name.
  • quantity (integer): chosen quantity.
  • notes (string): notes.
  • type (integer): promotion calculation rule. 1 = total sum (sum of all promotion products). 2 = highest value (charged the price of the highest value product). 3 = new price (a fixed price for the promotion, regardless of the chosen products).
  • value (decimal): unit price paid in the promotion.
  • ref (string): product reference code, for integration.
  • bônus
    • type (integer): type of promotion bonus. 

1 = none.

2 = free shipping. 

3 = points in the Loyalty Program. 

4 = gift

  • value (string): if type is 1, return null. Otherwise, the bonus will be returned.
  • Products (Array)
  • id (integer): product ID
  • type (string): item type. May return 'item' or 'pizza'. 
  • name (string): product name
  • calculation (integer): if it is total sum will send 1, if it is higher value will send 2, NovoPreco = 3
  • quantity (integer): will always be 1
  • subtotal (decimal): product subtotal
  • Options (Array): the options are the items/pizzas themselves purchased
    • id (integer): complement ID
    • title (string): complemento title
    • price_un (decimal): unit price
    • quantity (integer): quantity
    • ref (string): integration code REF
    • subtotal (decimal): complement subtotal
    • id (integer): option ID
    • title (string): option title
    • price_un (decimal): unit price
    • quantity (integer): quantity
    • subtotal (decimal): option subtotal
    • ComplementCategories (Array)
    • id (integer): complement category id
    • title (string): complement category title
    • Complements (Array)

                   1.1.3 Payment methods

Click here to go to the test and you can check the POST api.

Json template to send to server:


  "token_account": "s6s7sd678dd86s8fh69hj54465df"


Server response Json template:


  "code": 200,

  "name": "Success",

  "payment_methods": [


    "Débito Mastercard",

    "Débito Visa",


    "Crédito Hipercard"


  "payment_options": [


      "name": "Dinheiro",

      "ref": "106"



      "name": "Débito Mastercard",

      "ref": "100"



      "name": "Débito Visa",

      "ref": "101"



      "name": "Débito Elo",

      "ref": "105"




                   1.1.4 Change order status

It is important for the POS to notify API Delivery when there is any change in status (order confirmation, out for delivery, delivered and/or ready), and especially if there is cancellation. Because the Delivery API will notify the consumer via email and push notification, this notification is done through the Status Change API.

           2.1. Integração de cardápio

Some APIs are available that allow the integration of the menu with the Delivery App platform, allowing the POS to consult and register products, pizzas and categories and change their availability.

                  2.1.1 Products API

The menu API allows the updating of menu items, being able to change the title and availability, and also allows the updating of the variations of the items, allowing to change price, title and availability. It also allows registration of Categories and Pizzas.

             Category registration

Click here to go to the test and you can check the POST api.

Json template to be sent in the request body:


    "token_account": "871523671eg93jhe91e139e1",

    "title": "Refrigerantes",

    "available": true,

    "pizza": true,

    "out_id": "123456"



  • token_account [string]: store authentication token.
  • title [string]: category title.
  • available [boolean]: true = enable, false = disable
  • out_id [string]: integrated system reference code.
  • pizza [boolean]: send true if you are going to use the category to register PizzaTamanho and PizzaSabor.

Return of the request in case of success:


    "code": 201,

    "name": "Category success created",

    "id": 456


The return “code”:201 means that the category was registered successfully. The ID is the internal ID of the category in the Delivery App.

                  2.1.2 Category update

Click here to go to the test and you can check the PUT api.

Json template to be sent in the request body:


"token_account": "7339afcfc50ccd855a13f186516cbdd0",

"Categories": [{

"ref": "3et267er",

"title": "INTEGRAÇÃO 2",

"available": false

}, {

"ref": "3et267er",

"title": "INTEGRAÇÃO 2",

"available": false



  • token_account [string]: store authentication token.
  • Categories [Array]: categories that will be updated.
  • ref [string]: reference code (same out_id of the record) of the integrated system. The ref is used to query the category that will be updated.
  • title [string]: category title
  • available [boolean]: true = enable, false = disable

Return of the request in case of success:


    "code": 200,

    "name": "success",

    "Results": [


            "ref": "123456",

            "updated": true,

            "message": "Categoria atualizada",

            "Errors": []



            "ref": "12121212",

            "updated": false,

            "message": "Categoria não encontrada",

            "Errors": [

                "Categoria não encontrada com código ref informado"





Each category has its individual return, when successfully updated it will be returned updated: true.

                  2.1.3 Item update

Click here to go to the test and you can check the PUT api.

Json template to be sent in the request body:


    "token_account": "7339afcfc50ccd855a13f186516cbdd0",

    "Items": [


    "ref": "23009",

    "title": ””,

    "enable": true,

    "intro": "descrição do item"



    "ref": "55100",

    "title": "Coca Cola 2 litros",

    "enable": false





  • ref [string]: item link code between the Delivery App system and the system to be integrated.
  • title [string]: new item title, pass it empty or null if not changing the title.
  • enable [boolean]: change item availability, pass null if not updating.
  • intro [string]: text referring to the introduction/description of the item.

Requisition return on success:


    "code": 200,

    "name": "Success",

    "Results": [{

    "ref": "23009",

    "updated": true,

    "message": ""



    "ref": "55100",

    "updated": true,

    "message": ""




The return informs individually if the item was updated or not, if updated = true, the item was updated successfully, if false, it was not possible to update and the message must contain the reason for not having updated.

                  2.1.4 Variation update

Click here to go to the test and you can check the PUT api

Json template to be sent in the request body:


"token_account": "7339afcfc50ccd855a13f186516cbdd0",

"Variants": [{

    "item_ref": "23009",

    "ref": "55020",

    "price": 12.4,

    "enable": true,

    "title": "2 litros",

                           "promotional_price": 0.0,



    "item_ref": null,

    "ref": "40020",

    "price": 18.99,

    "enable": false,

    "title": ""



  • item_ref [string]: item link code that contains the variation to be updated between the Delivery App system and the system to be integrated.
  • ref [string]: variation binding code between the Delivery App system and the system to be integrated.
  • price [decimal]: new price to be updated, pass null if not updating.
  • enable [boolean]: changes the availability of the variation, pass null if not updating.
  • title [string]: new variation title, pass it empty or null if not changing the title.
  • promotional_price [decimal]:  decimal value that indicates the promotional price referring to the variation value of the item. To remove an item's promotion, simply pass 0.0.
  • item_ref: It's not mandatory (can be null), as some integrations only use the binding in the variation. Its use is important in cases where the variation can repeat the ref for different items, so it will be necessary to identify which item the variation being updated belongs to.

Request return on success:


    "code": 200,

    "name": "Success",

    "Results": [{

    "ref": "55020",

    "updated": true,

    "message": ""



    "ref": "40020",

    "updated": false,

    "message": "mais de uma variação encontrada com o mesmo ref"




The return individually informs if the variation was updated or not, if updated = true, the variation was updated successfully, if false, it was not possible to update and the message must contain the reason for not having updated.

                  2.1.5 Item registration

Click here to go to the test and you can check the POST api.

Json template to be sent in the request body:


"token_account": "token_integracao",

"Items": [{

      "category_id": 4,

      "title": "title123",

      "intro": "descrição de item",

      "enable": true,

      "ref": "ref654",

      "only_scheduling": false,

      "Prices": [


          "name": "price123",

          "value": 1.6,

          "enable": true,

          "promotional_price": 1.5,

          "promotion_enable": true,

          "ref": "ref234"





  • category_id [int]: Item linking code that references the item's category.
  • title [string]: string that indicates the title (name) of the item.
  • intro [string]: string that indicates the initial Description of the item.
  • enable [boolean]: change item availability, pass null if not updating.
  • only_scheduling [boolean]: if true, item is available for scheduling only.
  • ref [string]: item link code between the Delivery App system and the system to be integrated.
  • Prices: {
    • name [string]: string that refers to the item variation name.
    • value [decimal]: decimal value that indicates the price of the item variation.
    • enable [boolean]: change item variation availability, pass null if not updating.
    • promotional_price [decimal]: decimal value that indicates the promotional price referring to the variation value of the item.
    • promotion_enable [boolean]: changes the availability of the promotional price of the item variation.
    • ref [string]: variation link code between the Delivery system

App and the system to be integrated.

Return of the request in case of success:


  "code": 200,

  "name": "Success",

  "Results": [


      "id": 734,

      "ref": "ref789",

      "inserted": true,

      "message": "Item cadastrado com sucesso",

      "Prices": [


          "id": 1224,

          "ref": "ref234",

          "inserted": true,

          "message": "Price cadastrado",

          "Errors": {}



      "Errors": {}




The return informs if the item was registered with "message: Item registered successfully".

                  2.1.6 Registration of item variations

Click here to go to the test and you can check the POST api.

Json template to be sent in the request body:


  "token_account": "7efdf38d0bdd899c06c72f6b2b6fa7db",

  "Variants": [


      "name": "name123",

      "value": 1.6,

      "enable": true,

      "promotional_price": 1.5,

      "promotion_enable": true,

      "ref": "ref432",

      "item_id": 677




  • name [string]: string that refers to the name of the item's variation.
  • value [decimal]: decimal value that indicates the price of the item variation.
  • enable [boolean]: change item variation availability, pass null if not updating.
  • promotional_price [decimal]: decimal value that indicates the promotional price referring to the variation value of the item.
  • promotion_enable [boolean]: changes the availability of the promotional price of the item variation.
  • ref [string]: variation binding code between the Delivery App system and the system to be integrated.
  • item_id [int]: code that refers to which item the variation will be associated with.

Return of the request in case of success:


  "code": 200,

  "name": "Success",

  "Results": [


      "id": 1225,

      "ref": "ref432",

      "inserted": true,

      "message": "Variação cadastrado com sucesso",

      "Errors": {}




The return informs if the item was registered with "message: Variation registered successfully".

                  2.1.7 Global complements registration

Click here to check the POST api.

Json template to be sent in the request body:


"token_account": "c952f82f05318d398821111109a0c7d2",

"Complements": [{

"title": "bacon",

"description": "bacon fatiado",

"enable": true,

"price": 3,

"ref": "222222",

"code": "10"

}, {

"title": "",

"description": "",

"enable": false,

"price": 3.99,

"ref": "333333",

"code": "10"



  • *title [string] - complement title
  • description [string] - complement description
  • enable [boolean] - complement enable/disable
  • *price [decimal] - complement price
  • ref [string] - reference code for integration
  • code [string] - code for internal identification of the complement


Return of the request in case of success:


  "code": 200,

  "name": "Success",

  "Results": [


      "ref": "222222",

      "inserted": true



      "ref": "333333",

      "inserted": false,

      "message": "Erro de cadastro de complemento",

      "Errors": [

        "Título não pode ficar em branco",

        "Título não pode ficar em branco"




               Registration complements category and complements groups

Click here to check the POST api.

Json template to be sent in the request body:


"token_account": "7efdf38d0bdd899c06c72f6b2b6fa7db",

"ComplementCategories": [{

"ref": "111111",

"title": "Adicionais de lanche 2",

"code": "integracao",

"minimum": 0,

"maximum": 5,

"enable": true,

"more_than_one": true,

"Complements": ["ref_complemento", "ref_complemento"]

}, {

"ref": "222222",

"title": "Adicionais de lanche",

"code": "integracao",

"minimum": 0,

"maximum": 1,

"enable": true,

"more_than_one": true,

  "Complements": []



  • ref [string] - reference code for integration
  • *title [string] - complement title
  • code [string] - code for internal identification of the complement
  • *minimum [integer] - Minimum of complements that can be chosen, (minimum must be >= 0 e < maximum)
  • *maximum [integer] - Maximum of complements that can be chosen, (maximum must be > 0)
  • enable [boolean] - complement enable/disable
  • more_than_one [boolean] - indicates if it is allowed to choose more than one unit of the same complement
  • Complements [Array] - array of ref two complements that farão part of the group


Return of the request in case of success:


  "code": 200,

  "name": "Success",

  "Results": [


      "ref": "111111",

      "inserted": true



      "ref": "222222",

      "inserted": false,

      "message": "parâmetro Complements não encontrado ou vazio",

      "Errors": [

        "parâmetro Complements não encontrado ou vazio"





               Link complement Groups to Item

Click here to check the POST api.

Json template to be sent in the request body:


"token_account": "d952b77f05317d598001f7b109a0c7d2",

"Items": [{

"ref": "8804505",

"ComplementCategories": ["1001301", "2001302"]



"ref": "1505",

"ComplementCategories": ["1001301"]



"ref": "8804505",

"ComplementCategories": ["9199"]



  • ref [string] - Item reference code that will be linked to complements groups.
  • ComplementCategories [Array] - Array of complement group refs that will be linked to the item.

Return of the request in case of success:


  "code": 200,

  "name": "Success",

  "Results": [


      "ref": "8804505",

      "inserted": true



      "ref": "1505",

      "inserted": false,

      "message": "Item não encontrado",

      "Errors": [

        "Item não encontrado"




      "ref": "8804505",

      "inserted": false,

      "message": "Grupos de complemento não encontrado",

      "Errors": [

        "Grupos de complemento não encontrado"





                  2.1.8 Standard complement registration

Click here to go to the test and you can check the POST api.


This functionality will be discontinued.

Json template to be sent in the request body:


    "token_account": "token",

    "ComplementCategories": [{

            "item_id": 742,

     "title": "INTEGRAÇÃO",

     "minimum": 0,

     "maximum": 6,

     "ordem": 1,

     "enable": true,

     "more_than_one": true,

     "ref": "ref222",

     "Complements": [{

                 "title": "integração",

                 "description": "descrição do complemento",

                 "enable":  true,

                 "price":  3.4,





    • item_id [int]: string that refers to the name of the item's variation.
    • title [string]: new complement title, pass it empty or null if not changing the title.
    • minimum [int]: indicates the minimum amount of complements in the referenced product.
    • maximum [int]: indicates the maximum amount of complements in the referenced product.
    • ordem [int]: order in which the add-on will be shown (default will be the registration order).
    • enable [boolean]: changes the availability of add-ons in the item.
    • more_than_one [boolean]: indicates whether more than one unit of the same complement belonging to that category can be chosen.
    • ref [string]: complement binding code between the Delivery App system and the system to be integrated.
  • Complements: {
    • title [string]: new complement title, pass it empty or null if not changing the title.
    • description [string]: short text that will describe the complement.
    • complement_category_id [int]: references the complement with its category.
    • enable [boolean]: change the availability of the complement, pass null if not updating.
    • price [decimal]: value that indicates the price of the complement.
    • ref [string]: complement binding code between the Delivery App system and the system to be integrated.


Return of the request in case of success:


  "code": 200,

  "name": "Success",

  "Results": [


      "id": 323,

      "ref": "ref123",

      "inserted": true,

      "message": "Complemento(s) cadastrado(s)",

      "Complements": [


          "id": 698,

          "ref": "ref123",

          "inserted": true,

          "message": "Complemento cadastrado",

          "Errors": {}



      "Errors": {}




The return informs if the item was registered with "message: Complemento registered".

                  2.1.9 Pizza flavor registration

Click here to go to the test and you can check the POST api.

Json template to be sent in the request body:


    "token_account": "token_de_integracao",

    "sabores": [


            "title": "4 Queijos",

            "description": "pizza 4 queijos",

            "enable": true,

            "ordem": 1,

            "id_categoria": 176,

            "ref": "ref234",

            "preco_tamanho": [


                    "ref": "ref234",

                    "price": 1.6,

                    "id_tamanho": 196,

                    "enable": true


            ] }


    • title [string]: new complement title, pass it empty or null if not changing the title.
    • description [string]: short text that will describe the complement.
    • enable [boolean]: change flavor availability, pass null if not updating.
    • ordem [int]: flavor ordering.
    • id_categoria [int]:  flavor reference code with its category.
    • ref [string]: flavor binding code between the Delivery App system and the system to be integrated.
  • preco_tamanho: 
    • ref [string]: flavor binding code by size between the Delivery App system and the system to be integrated.
    • price [decimal]value that indicates the price of the flavor of the chosen size.
    • id_tamanho [int]: size binding code that references what the pizza tastes like.
    • enable [boolean]: change flavor availability, pass null if not updating.


Return of the request in case of success:


  "code": 200,

  "name": "Success",

  "Results": [


      "ref": "ref234",

      "inserted": true,

      "message": "Sabor cadastrado"

    } ]


The return informs if the item was registered with "message: Sabor registered".

                  2.1.10 Pizza flavor category registration

Click here to go to the test and you can check the POST api.

Json template to be sent in the request body:


    "token_account": "token_de_integracao",

    "Categorias": [


            "enable": true,

            "maximum": 6,

            "minimum": 2,

            "ref": "ref897",

            "pizza_sabor_id": 11,

            "title": "titulo 2",

            "more_than_one": false,

            "Complementos": [


                    "title": "Nome complemento 1",

                    "description": "fffgggf",

                    "enable": true,

                    "ref": "ref789",

                    "Prices": [


                            "pizza_tamanho_id": 11,

                            "price": 1.7,

                            "ref": "ref234"








    • enable [boolean]: changes the availability of flavors on the pizza.
    • maximum [int]: maximum amount of complements that can be chosen.
    • minimum [int]: minimum amount of complements that can be chosen.
    • ref [string]: variation binding code between the Delivery App system and the system to be integrated.
    • pizza_sabor_id [int]: id of the pizza flavor that will be linked to the complement category.
    • title [string]: new category title, pass it empty or null if not changing the title.
    • more_than_one [boolean]: indicates whether more than one unit of the same complement belonging to that category can be chosen.
  • Complementos: 
      • title [string]: complement title/name
      • description [string]short text that will describe the complement.
      • enable [boolean]: changes the availability of pizza flavor.
      • ref [string]: link code between the Delivery App system and the system to be integrated.
  • Prices: 
      • pizza_tamanho_id [int]: complement binding code to a certain size.
      • price [decimal]: complement price.
      • ref [string]: complement binding code between the Delivery App system and the system to be integrated.

Return of the request in case of success:


  "code": 200,

  "name": "Success",

  "Results": [


      "inserted": true,

      "ref": "ref897",

      "id": 452,

      "Complementos": [


          "ref": "ref789",

          "id": 1525,

          "Prices": [


              "ref": "ref789",

              "id": 1525








The return individually informs whether the item was updated or not, if inserted = true, the item was updated successfully, if false, it could not be updated and the message must contain the reason for not updating.

                  2.1.11 Pizza size registration 

Click here to go to the test and you can check the POST api.

Json template to be sent in the request body:


    "token_account": "token_de_integracao",

    "Tamanhos": [


"title": "Tamanho 1",

"dois_sabor": true,

"tres_sabor": true,

"quatro_sabor": true,

"enable": true,

"ordem": 1,

"category_id": 176,

"ref": "ref123",

            "balcao": false

        } ]


  • title [string]: new size title, pass empty or null if not changing the title.
  • dois_sabor [boolean]: if true, indicates that the pizza accepts two flavors.
  • tres_sabor [boolean]: if true, indicates that the pizza accepts three flavors.
  • quatro_sabor [boolean]: if true, indicates that the pizza accepts four flavors.
  • enable [boolean]: changes the availability of pizza size.
  • ordem [int]: ordering the size of the pizza.
  • category_id [int]:  Item linking code that references the item's category.
  • ref [string]: pizza size binding code between the Delivery App system and the system to be integrated.
  • balcao [boolean]: if true, this pizza size is available for store pickup only.

Return of the request in case of success:


  "code": 200,

  "name": "Success",

  "Results": [


      "inserted": true,

      "ref": "ref123",

      "id": 232




The return individually informs whether the item was updated or not, if inserted = true, the item was updated successfully, if false, it could not be updated and the message must contain the reason for not updating.


                  2.1.12 Pizza size category registration

Click here to go to the test and you can check the POST api.

Json template to be sent in the request body:


    "token_account": "token_de_integracao",

    "Categorias": [


            "enable": true,

            "title": "title1",

            "minimum": 1,

            "maximum": 2,

            "ref": "ref345",

            "pizza_tamanho_id": 11,

            "more_than_one": true,

            "Complementos": [


                    "enable": true,

                    "title": "title2",

                    "description": "description123",

                    "ref": "ref534",

                    "price": 4.7

                } ]

        } ]


    • enable [boolean]: change item availability, pass null if not updating.
    • title [string]: new size title, pass empty or null if not changing the title.
    • maximum [int]: maximum amount of complements that can be chosen.
    • minimum [int]: minimum amount of complements that can be chosen.
    • ref [string]: pizza size binding code between the Delivery App system and the system to be integrated.
    • pizza_tamanho_id [int]: size binding code that references which size category.
    • more_than_one [boolean]: indicates whether more than one unit of the same complement belonging to that category can be chosen.
  • Complementos : 
      • enable [boolean]: change the availability of the add-on, pass null if not updating.
      • title [string]: new complement title, pass it empty or null if not changing the title.
  • description [string]: short text that will describe the complement.
    • ref [string]: pizza size binding code between the Delivery App system and the system to be integrated.
    • price [decimal]: complement price

Json template to be sent in the request body:


  "code": 200,

  "name": "Success",

  "Results": [


      "inserted": true,

      "ref": "ref345",

      "id": 129,

      "Complementos": [


          "ref": "ref534",

          "id": 328




The return individually informs whether the item was updated or not, if inserted = true, the item was updated successfully, if false, it could not be updated and the message must contain the reason for not updating.

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