Webhook Request

The company that wants to use Webhook must provide the following information:

  • Callback URL;
  • Authorization Key (if necessary);
  • Logo to put on the image on the request button (optional);
  • Reference to the store (if necessary);

The company that wants to support communication through Neemo's webhook resource must implement a route in its application that will receive an HTTP POST request, this route (URL) must then be registered in Neemo's system where it can be associated with stores. 

The HTTP POST request has a header that contains parameters informing the type of the request body and an authorization “token”. Below is a table with the relationship of these parameters:

Cabeçalho da requisição HTTP




Tipo do corpo da requisição “application/json” 


Token para autorizar a requisição

The HTTP POST request has a body where parameters will be sent that inform which order is accessed, which store has the order, a code to identify the webhook integration and two API access tokens. Below is a table with the parameters present in the request body:

Corpo da requisição HTTP




Identificador da integração com o Webhook (ID) na base de dados da Neemo


Identificador do pedido (ID) da loja na base de dados da Neemo


Identificador da loja (ID) na base de dados da Neemo


Token de acesso a API que identifica a loja


Token de acesso a API que identifica a franquia

This request will be requested by the customer through their panel or order manager by clicking on the button:

After the customer presses the button, we will send the request to the registered URL, (which was previously informed).

The Neemo server that makes this HTTP POST request works with a timeout of 10 seconds. After this time, if the request is not answered, the server will repeat the request until it is answered with status 200, with a limit of 3 repetitions.

Below is an example of a request:

  • Sem rótulos